React JS is a JavaScript toolkit that allows you to create reusable user interface components. The following is the definition from the official React documentation:
It is a library that allows you to create modular user interfaces. It supports the development of reusable user interface components that display data that varies over time. React is frequently used as the V in MVC. React separates the DOM from you, resulting in a more straightforward programming approach and improved speed. React can also use Node to render on the server and React Native to power native apps. One-way reactive data flow is implemented in React, which reduces boilerplate and makes it easier to reason about than traditional data binding.
Why we use React JS?
The primary goal of React JS is to create User Interfaces (UI) that increase app speed. It makes use of virtual DOM (JavaScript object), which increases the app’s performance. The virtual DOM in JavaScript is faster than the conventional DOM. React JS can be used on the client and server side, as well as in conjunction with other frameworks. It employs component and data patterns to improve readability while also assisting in the maintenance of larger apps.
React Advantages
- Uses a JavaScript object called virtual DOM. Because JavaScript virtual DOM is quicker than the conventional DOM, this will increase app speed.
- It’s compatible with different frameworks and may be used both on the client and server side.
- Component and data patterns promote readability, which makes larger apps easier to manage.